Friday, November 6, 2015

This Is Me

Life is a succession of events that creates who we are, because of this we can change and people can see us change. Personally I feel like my life to this point has been a lot of development and finding of self and being happy with that. I enjoying learning about health and how or bodies work. What nutrients help with different reactions in the body. I enjoy experimenting with food and learning new things in the kitchen, even when my ferments fail, I still enjoy looking at them and trying them out. I enjoy helping people and if I can help people see themselves in the best way possible. I am a footzoner and love how that connects me to people. I love the idea of health involving all aspects of our life, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Womanhood is so important to me and helping woman feel powerful is fulfilling. Having three daughters has peaked my interest in birth and motherhood. I hope to help woman have a happy, birth experience by being a support and friend
. Connecting with people is important to me, send me a message, lets be friend. (That sounded like second grade, haha)